Nourishing Points

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Spring wellness

Every year we need to be mindful of the simple things that keep us well, but this year perhaps more than others. Of course we all know that frequent hand washing and not touching your face (hard!) are the first line of defense against germs.

Chinese medicine emphasizes harmony with the seasons and springtime energy is moving upward and outward, encouraging us to get outside more and stretch our bodies in nature. We are encouraged to rest more in winter to prepare for spring. The yang energies are starting to rise and we are feeling the urge to move and maybe even overdo it - don’t get ahead of yourself, summer is coming. Engage in moderate exercise and stress relief whenever possible. Walks in nature, hot baths with salt, and yoga are all helpful ways to restore flow and ease in the body.

Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night is one of the best things you can do for your body. Deep rest allows your body the downtime it needs to de-stress and replenish. Combine that with deeply nourishing foods (no sugar or excess carbs!) and your body will thank you. Spring greens and vegetables should be part of your diet now.

Keep your body and especially your neck warm . Keeping warm helps your body focus on other things like your immune system warding off germs. If you get cold you can warm yourself up with nourishing broths and while you’re at it add some mushrooms for added defense.

Keep an eye on your tongue! If you have a pale tongue with an obvious white coating then fresh ginger tea and turmeric are your friends. But if you have a red tip or red splotches then that will be too warm for your system and you need a formula like yin qio san with cold bitter herbs than can fight infection. Talk to your herbalist about what herbs to take for your tongue and symptoms, not all colds are alike.

There are many excellent classical herbal formulas for warding off and treating cold and flu as well as allergies so be sure to come in to prepare for the season. Acupuncture is a great stimulant for the immune system and has been show in studies to increase production of Natural Killer cells that inhibit viruses. It can both prevent and treat illness as well as shorten recovery time.

If you do get sick this season and can’t come in to the clinic, feel free to contact me for a phone consultation and I can ship you herbs to your home!