year of the dragon

Welcoming the Dragon

Happy New Year! Not only is it the traditional Asian time of the year to start the cycle over again and welcome in a new year, but it also the beginning of spring. I know you were probably taught that spring begins on March 21st. But that’s a bit of a misnomer. The ancient understanding is that each season comes in slowly and peaks at these moments marked as solstice and equinox, the cosmological quarters of our years here on earth. In the Celtic calendar of the year February 2nd/3rd is considered the very early beginning of spring and this matches up with the ancient Taoist calendar as well. And with each spring a whole new year and a whole new character. I love the way the Asian new year is described as having the characteristics of an animal, each having it’s own personality. Last year was the Yin Rabbit and this year the Yang Wood Dragon. It is the only animal of the Chinese Zodiac that is mythical.

In a dragon year we can expect renewing, refreshing energy and unexpected changes. There’s a lot of energy in a dragon year. It’s a good year to change jobs or go for a promotion, move to a new place or expand your social network. Expect change, expansion and growth. Dragon energy is playful and curious. Enjoy yourself in this change of energy. The dragon’s vision is expansive and cosmic - don’t sweat the small stuff!

For a more expansive and very interesting deep dive into the ancient cosmology take on this year read here

And for a fun and light-hearted look into the dragon year listen to this delightful podcast